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  • Fall Fishing Tournament & Fish Fry

Fall Fishing Tournament & Fish Fry

  • 10/12/2024
  • 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Padre Island Yacht Club


  • Price is $10.00

    Fish Fry will be held around 4:00pm

    Fish will be Tournament catch/ Red Snapper with Hush puppies, French fries, or potato salad.

    If you are fishing in the tournament there is no fee
  • I'll be attending this tournament and represent my team (up to 4 anglers)

    I'll also agree to attend the 5:30pm Captain's Meeting at PIYC October 10th.

    All fish must be weighed in by 2:00 pm to be counted towards prizes.

    You do not need to sign up for fish fry, your team fee covers the cost.

    Thank you!

Registration is closed

We're excited for our 2024 Fall Fishing Tournament & Fish Fry in partnership with the Rockport Yacht Club!

Thanks to Mike and Renee Hettick for hosting this event. 

***In the event of inclement weather, The Cruise Director will notify the membership of our options. 

Tournament Info

Cost is $150 per Team (Up to 4 anglers per boat). All Teams must have a member check in at the captains meeting. All anglers will depart from PIYC Club House, Guest docks on the 12th of October. (live well check, Blessing of the Fleet, National Anthem) Payout is 80/20, side pots are 100%.

Start time will be safe light and Weigh in will begin at 2:00pm, All Anglers must be weighed in or in line by 2:30pm or their catch will not be counted.

Live and Artificial baits are allowed, there are no boundaries to tournament waters, All fish must be caught in public access waters.

Heaviest Stringer 3 Reds and 1 Trout,

All Redfish must be 20-28 inches to qualify for both the stringer and Big Redfish payout. All Trout must be 15-20 inches to qualify for the stringer and big Trout

A Red or Trout over or under the tournament length specified above will automatically be disqualified. Once a team brings their stringer of fish to the weigh in, no substitutions or changes will be accepted. Team that brings an oversized Redfish has the option to Tag it, and not be disqualified, Tag Redfish will not be allowed to be weighed in

Heaviest stringers and Big fish payout will be awarded to heaviest weight not length. All state and Federal laws must be abided by during tournament.

Payout is 80/20 (Example based on 12 Teams) 

1st $600 + Trophy        2nd $400 + Trophy      3rd $280       4th $150

 $50 side pot for each category (Heaviest & smallest Red/ Heaviest Trout) 100% payout.

Please see some helpful information below:

Saturday, October 12th

1:44 am (High Tide) 2.30'

5:10 pm (Low Tide) 0.5'

We are looking forward to a great cruising event and hope you attend.



Copyright PIYC, Inc. 13402 WHITECAP -- Corpus Christi, TX 78418

"PIYC" is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization. Mailing address: 14493 S PADRE ISLAND DR # A342  CORPUS CHRISTI TX 78418-5931

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